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Communal Neighborhood Forum for Berlin-Brandenburg (KNF eV) Annual Conference

Sharpening the spatial vision by bringing together all of the members of the Kommunales Nachbarschaftsforum Berlin-Brandenburg (KNF eV)


24 September 2024



How can we align urban development goals across different levels of government and state borders?

This is the challenge KNF e.V. is addressing as a unifying forum within the Berlin-Brandenburg political landscape. KNF unites political representatives from 43 members and 14 associated partners—spanning districts, cities, and municipalities—to collaborate and exchange ideas on urban development across the Berlin-Brandenburg borders.

To advance these efforts, KNF e.V. is developing a spatial vision to concretize goals and strategies for impactful regional development. At this week’s KNF eV Annual Conference, we, alongside RHA REICHER HAASE ASSOZIIERTE, bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten, and complan Kommunalberatung, presented the consortium’s initial concepts for the spatial vision, based on earlier engagement, and invited feedback from members. What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? Why? What are your suggestions?

Thank you to all of the KNF members for your valuable insights and feedback!