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Liveable Neighbourhoods

Cities should accommodate flexible uses and the unexpected. Flexible urban design enhances the quality of life and boosts local economies by supporting diverse activities and public spaces.

We all intuitively know cities and places we love, yet contemporary urbanisation so rarely creates these spaces. Especially in cities strongly influenced by the modernist approach, it is important to take a second look at the quality of life in the neighbourhoods we live in.

Diagram representing strategies on the block level. Greenery and Energy
Diagram representing strategies on the block level. Program Mix
Innovation thrives on encounter and exchange. That's why our design for Campus Windenden project public-communal-private spaces and building typologies emphasise creation of places for interaction.
Here we focused on creating spaces for encounter, as a means to generate meaning among unrelated strangers. This deliberate design principle fuels innovation, where serendipitous connections and diverse perspectives meet to spark new ideas and possibilities.

How can we create liveable neighborhoods that meet contemporary life standards and challenges? 

We understand the elements and processes that lead to these spaces and aim to create them with you. We understand that human scale, mixed-use, walkability, access to nature, and flexible and diverse typologies are the crucial components to create inviting public spaces for residents. Therefore, we aim to shape cities for the well-being and prosperity of their residents.

Masterplan for new neighborhood in Ahrensfelde